I recently wrote about the svoi or those “normal” people that ignore the glaring contradictions of the system and, in turn, participate in the big lie in the name of expediency. In order to better illustrate this archetype, I thought we could look at some survey data that recently came out of Israel.
The survey participants were asked to provide demographic details, indicate their intention to vaccinate their children (ages 5-11), and provide a justification for their answer. And, well, the results are not interesting, though not particularly surprising.
For parents with one child, only 38.2% intended to vaccinate compared to 45.2% with more than one child. Purely as a supposition, this makes sense. The supposition being that parents with more than one child have more than one child to lose; thus, they are willing to take larger risks with their children. That may sound cold, but there is an old agrarian line of economic thought, which happens to be the exact inverse of this case, that, roughly explained, theorizes that in places (and times) of higher childhood mortality, parents have more children. The logic is that, in agrarian cultures, children act as a form of old age security (since they will eventually grow up to work the land).
Parents who had major vaccine side effects (around 7.8% of the respondents that answered this question, for your information) were far less likely to vaccinate their children (19.6%) than parents that had minor vaccine side effects (38.2% had minor side effects, 51.1% would vaccinate their children). The remaining 54% that had no side effects were the most likely to vaccinate their children (57.8%).
But I said I wanted to provide an example of the svoi, so I will point you to this chart:
The main reasons that parents give for vaccinating their children are social and economic. Protecting their child ranks a distant fourth far behind protecting others, and only 37.9% think the vaccine is safe.
Whereas, those who are not planning to vaccinate their children are doing so by and large for health reasons. Trust for the government and Ministry of Health rank far below the (obvious) mildness of the virus in children and safety concerns, and, from my point of view, everyone should have a healthy distrust of government.
Yes, a friend of mine was skeptical and (apparently) worried to vax her 8 year old boy initially. But then suddenly! She went ahead and did it! Saying “everywhere is gonna require it soon enough and I want to be able to travel”. The look on her face, though, did not agree with her words.
Then she went on and on about how she told him he was doing his part to protect her. She has a pacemaker and is double vaxxed. Wow.
Thanks for another interesting article. Jestre, you’ve been on a roll lately!