"Mild", "stealth" version of omicron leads to record high cases and deaths in South Korea
Is this mild or not?
Recently, South Korea has gotten some attention after protests demanding accountability for the thousands that died after the vaccine. As one of the few countries that still practices punitive democracy, I expect they will get their accountability at some point. In that country, the prime minister is generally the fall guy — 27 prime ministers in the new millennium speaks to that fact.
But what has received less attention is the results of the vaccination campaign. South Korea is one of the most vaccinated countries on the planet: 86% of the total population has had at least one dose, 40.3% of those have had their boosters, too. They are near peak vaccination considering the campaign to vaccinate those under 12 has just begun and those under 5 cannot be vaccinated.
If ever there was a country that could prove vaccinations work, this should be it, right? Wrong.
They are currently experiencing a wave of cases and deaths that can not be blamed on the unvaccinated or low vaccination rates. Instead, a “stealth” variant of omicron that is “not detectable by PCR test” has been blamed. Uhh? I’m actually speechless.
In any case, they consider omicron mild, so no big deal right? But mild is a relative term these days. We could have said COVID was mild a year and a half ago, counted only deaths from the virus and not with it, but instead we treated the virus like the second coming of the black death.
South Korea’s case fatality rate is 0.87% right now (and growing). Is this mild or not?
Or do we only consider the virus to be mild when it’s the vaccinated getting infected because there is a narrative (not to mention BigPharma’s profit margins) to consider? Because if case fatality rate is how we gauge mild, then the case fatality rate in my age group is 0.05%. The case fatality rate for those in my age group with no comorbidities is much, much lower than that. Can we agree on a definition of mild so the regulators can piss off already?
Most likely this variant did not develop and spread “in spite of” the “vaccine.” It, instead, developed and spread “because of” the “vaccine.” The vaccines and boosters need to stop now. If not, they will sooner or later create a real monster variant and we will not be arguing about the definition of “mild.”
I’m halfway through RFKJr’s book and and my worldview has gone from 1. I believe there is some government/Pharma collusion to pad the stats, to 2. Oh my god they will outright lie and fabricate not only the facts but the entire paradigm of the so-called pandemic. So, yeah, if it makes no sense why they want to vaccinate 5 year olds for a disease that only affects 65 year olds with a vaccine with a 3 month tops lifespan it’s because they literally don’t give a shit about anything that is actually going on. It’s just a game. And they are laughing at MSM and it’s audience of dunces all day long.