"Ukraine is not a country worth fighting a thermonuclear war over."

This. Times one thousand.

I'll also say that the least bloody and destructive thing to do, when a region of a country overwhelmingly no longer wishes to be part of that country, is to let them go. It seems quite clear that Crimea and Donbas do not wish to be part of Ukraine, particularly not an anti-Russian Ukraine. Sadly, a peaceful divorce is something that rarely happens.

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Putin and people in Ukraine/Russia care about blood and soil. Americans and their leaders are going for Twitter likes. It seems like a recipe for fatal miscalculations, if not now, in the not-so-distant future.

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So which country is worth getting into a thermonuclear war over?

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Excellent work.

The US meddling in Ukraine made zero sense, why overthrow a democratically elected government with a Soros/CIA coup and replace them with a bunch of Neonazi clowns?

It makes sense now, this was a placeholder event for the future to manufacture another crisis.

"After the last two years of dystopia, people can be categorized, roughly, into three groups: those who understood the point, those who missed the point, and those who understood the wrong point"

There is another category: those who are wilfully ignorant and don't want to know. As a "conspiracy theorist", I understand these people. I call them ostriches. To be fair, this is all very frightening and it's a reptilian brain response. Fight or flight. Most choose flight. I don't blame them to be quite honest.

"There are many that are eating up the media coverage of this war and some like Alex Bereson have even called his followers “useful idiots” for questioning the official narrative"

Berenson is not the only one. Toby Young at DailySceptics is the same. They now believe the lugenpresse and lying politicians they knew were lying about Covid. Gell-Mann Amnesia at its finest.

Also, these people are quite intelligent but clearly not quite high IQ enough/knowledgeable enough to be good at this whole "conspiracy theorist" game on a global level.

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Unfortunately, the destabilization of countries is the CIA's specialty. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would trust the media narrative or be under the impression that we need to get involved in yet another war when we have so many problems at home.

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The idea is to collapse supply chains, cause massive inflation and cause huge shortages. Petrol is now 2 euros a litre here in France. It's insane. It will soon come down to eating or heating for most people. Two nuclear reactors "conveniently" were found to have cracks in them so had to be switched off, so the price of electricity is also skyrocketing.

The aim, as far as I can tell, is thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Problem, reaction, solution in other words. And it's all by design: the complete and utter collapse of the global economy.

Turns out Putin is a WEF stooge, so the whole thing appears to have been planned and scripted a long time ago (much like all the spike protein patents for the coof). We are being played.

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We are in a singularity now... If the economy collapses, and it appears to be heading there, no one can predict what happens next. Do they assume they will be the ones ready to pick up the pieces? We are in strange days.

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"If the economy collapses, and it appears to be heading there, no one can predict what happens next"

I agree. The problem is these monsters are largely incompetent and think they have all the bases covered, but I don't think that's true. There is a word for this: hubris.

"Do they assume they will be the ones ready to pick up the pieces"

If they collapse the wheat supply, you better believe "you vil eat ze bugs". Remember those "Biblical" plagues of locusts flying around the world? I would bet my bottom dollar that wasn't an accident.

"We are in strange days"

I hate to be "that guy", but I think things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get any better. Still, the memes are hilarious, so that's one thing I guess.

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Couldn't agree with you more. We are being played with once again. I too read that Putin is a WEF stooge. If true the thus situation is even more serious than we realize. Basically what the fuck is going on. At this point the goal of the WEF is clear. You will own nothing and be happy. This incredibly well timed so called war in Ukraine with Russia is a diversion from covid and its financial implications world wide will do nothing more than to further the agenda of Klaus Schwab and all his acolytes. I personally, based on my research, refuse to be dragged into this war for either side. A pox on both their houses.

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Speaking of diversions from COVID, the CEO of Pfizer was recently downplaying his role in using mRNA technology. Sounded like he is trying not to be the fall guy for something... And "a pox on both their houses" is the best 1 sentence summary of my feelings on this war. Beautifully put.

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I think Putin was kicked out of the WEF and is no longer welcome at Davos.

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It also a specialty of the KGB. Your comrade Putin is from the KGB.

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My tax dollars don't fund Putin, so I could not care less about him. I didn't post anything pro-Putin, or even pro-Russian unless you think pointing out the neo-nazi problem in Ukraine or not wanting to get into a hot war by intervening in two corrupt eastern bloc hellholes is pro-Russian? Which do you have a problem with?

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The KGB was dissolved 30 years ago.

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The thing has now a new name. Nothing changed. That is the whole problem in russia That the structures never changed.

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So you say this, but at the same time suggest the author is a KGB stooge for pointing out that Ukraine also hasn't changed and isn't worth turning our homes into radioactive rubble for?

Honestly these kinds of one-dimensional takes are exactly why I wouldn't put it past our societies to blindly follow the idiots calling for a no-fly zone in an area that is literally nobody's problem EXCEPT the Ukrainians and Russians.

Many of these same one-dimensional fools like to also breathlessly suggest that Putin (or whichever other thug is in charge in hellhole X) is the next Hitler and espouse an idea remarkably similar to that old Cold War domino theory which didn't stop all of former French Indochina going communist and only succeeded in wasting thousands of lives on both sides to basically delay an inevitability. Here's a thought: Ukraine and Russia are as worth it to get involved in a hot war (never mind if it's even nuclear or not) over as North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were in the 70s.

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Do not write about things you are ignorant about. Some key facts were conveniently dropped, other facts twisted to fit this fake narrative. Comrade.

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What narrative? That the west should stay as far away from this war as possible because there is a lot of internalized hatred on both sides which the media has done a poor job articulating?

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Do tell. List the facts that were dropped, and those that were twisted. Simply asserting this without details is not a rebuttal.

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Agree. I will gladly add in any facts that are relevant. But I'm not sure what facts could change the premise that we should stay far away from this war. More context would in all likelihood strengthen my resolve on that point.

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Why don't you give a run down of the stuff left out? If you know what it is, it should be easy to name it.

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I think Andreas is replying to Nick?

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You missed the boat on this one, totally, and omitted WAAAAY too much history. Go back much further, and stop with the "neo-Nazi" smears. Go back to the real definition of National Socialism, to start, as Mussolini defined it, as "state corporatism". Try defining what are really Ukrainian nationalist organizations that way, and you'll see how silly it is.

First realize why some in Ukraine were so much more receptive to the Germans in WWII. Go back to the Red Army pogroms in 1917-1920, where millions of Ukrainians were murdered. Then fill in the Holodomor in 1932-33 when millions of Ukrainians were starved by Stalin, and it's pretty simple to see why Ukrainians might have seen the German army as liberators from the genocidal murderous Bolsheviks and the Red Army, who killed 100 times as many Ukrainians as the Germans did.

After WWII, Ukraine didn't have it much better, which explains why an astounding 92% of Ukrainians voted for independence from Russia in 1991 when the USSR collapsed. Even the Donbass and Crimea (54%) voted for independence, which is why they were included in Ukraine, not Russia. Ever since then, particularly in those two regions, Putin has been settling Russians in order to to bring them back to Russia. It has much to do with Black Sea access and natural gas (Crimea), and coal (Donbass).

Try as you might, you cannot make this about a struggle between Russia and NATO, that's a smokescreen. Notice when Zelenskyy mentioned he would give up all efforts to join NATO to preserve Ukraine as an independent nation, nothing has changed with Putin; the invasion continues.

In fact, Ukraine SHOULD have been protected by the UN agreement in 1994, signed by Boris Yeltsin, which supposedly guaranteed Ukrainian sovereignty in exchange for Ukraine surrendering its nuclear arsenal to Russia. That document was part of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and was signed also by the US and UK who also agreed to respect Ukrainian territory. INCLUDING Crimea and the Donbass, which have been "soft-invaded" by Russia.

Clearly KGB thug Putin regards any agreement he didn't personally sign as invalid, to the horror of Ukrainians. Anybody who picks and chooses a few communications or a few actions, without understanding the bigger picture, is twisting history. You get a D- on this one.


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When someone calls themselves neo-nazis and wave swastikas around, I generally call them what they are. It's no smear and I understand there are historical reasons they may be receptive to it, but it does not change what they are.

Yes, I did omit anything prior to the coup that was not related. As I noted, this is an iceberg. Like Palestine-Israel, we could never hope to come up with an exhaustive list of their grievances. That was not the point. The point is that there is way too much here to be summarized by "Putin is a thug". I never implied he wasn't.

Also, I never implied the reason for this war was over NATO. The points about NATO are just relevant. The reason for this war is not really a concern for me. My concern is that we stay the hell out of it.

P.S. I think you should consider that people in Donbas/Crimea voting to be independent 30 years ago, does not mean they should be bound by that decision today. Structural integrity of a country's borders is not really a concern for me if almost all of the people living there do not want to be a part of that country. If, in the American context, California wants to secede from the Union, then I would say more power to them and to hell with border integrity.

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I judge actions more than symbols, or tweets and I still totally disagree with your characterization, for the reasons I stated. It is still a smear, and anyone who can't see that Marxism and Bolshevism has been ten times the horrific cancer that Hitler and Mussolini ever were can't comprehend numbers. I have extreme sympathy for the Ukrainian people, not that I want the US to get into a land war in Ukraine. On the other hand, appeasing bullies like Putin never end well for anyone.

As for California seceding, if it were native Californians wanting to secede, that would be one thing. If, on the other hand, it was a massive influx of Central Americans invading and then demanding secession, I have a real problem with that. That scenario almost perfectly describes the Donbas situation. All the talk of "repression" of Russians in Ukraine comes down to resistance by Ukrainians to Russification and then annexation of their country. They voted as a nation to not make Russian an "official" language, but they did not forbid the speaking of Russian. The country simply wanted to retain a national identity, which they have a right to. Many, many people have been alive there a lot longer than you have - they remember what Russians did to them. They have a right to not be subject to subverted "soft invasion" simply by allowing Russians to freely settle within their country. Do you see the issue here?

Realistically, Ukraine will have to give up something to the bully to retain even a semblance of an independent nation - probably Crimea and the Donbas, because they have been so subverted. I doubt, however, that Putin will settle for that, even though Zelenskyy, that "corrupt" person you describe (you don't really know him), has already voiced that concession.

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I agree that Marxism was the most murderous ism in history. But we are talking about authoritarian collectivisms in both cases. Again, if someone says they are a neo-Nazi, I will call them that. What may seem like a slur to us is a symbol of pride to those that identify as such.

Glad we have a point of agreement on California, though, I guess we will have to agree to disagree with the native argument. I suspect neither of us will budge on that point and it gets pretty semantic when you get down to it.

The vote not to make Russian an official language was separate from the later language law.

And yes, Zelensky is corrupt in the vein of a Trudeau figure. Is he as corrupt as a Putin figure? Maybe not. I think he went into politics as an optimist but learned that he had to please special interest groups the hard way. You can see that with the Steinmeier situation. He is definitely not the hero that the media wants him to be though. More like a clumsy actor that is in over his head.

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You’re misrepresenting the language law changes. Are you suggesting their treatment of ethnic Russian-Ukrainians is acceptable?

Originally Donbas didn’t want to secede, they simply wanted autonomy within Ukraine. The Nazis in Ukraine refused to allow the peace deal to be enacted.

They even prevented Zelenskyy from finally enacting it. And he ran on enacting it and was elected.

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Stop with the Nazi smear. We all know that's gaslighting, they are simply Ukrainian nationalists and you damn well know it. There's nothing "Nazi" about it. And no, I'm not "misrepresenting" anything. Russian is not outlawed in Ukraine, and you can't prove it is, and you know it.

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When you say "we all know"... Who is the "we" here?

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So they are actually Flower Power? Such good lads.


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Not a single Argument which is true.

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Then present a counter argument.

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Waiting until after a military confrontation starts, before you promise to abide by your peace agreement (which you have violated for years). Ummm, yea sure.

Ukraine also threatened to tear up the Budapest memorandum last month, and re-aquire nuclear weapons.

Major portions of what’s known as Ukraine belonged to other countries 100 years ago. Including western Ukraine, eastern Ukraine, southern Ukraine, and crimea.

You’re wildly misrepresenting the situation.

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Sorry, you're on the wrong side here. Russia clearly abrogated the 1994 pact years ago, so this is nothing more than a deflection. You are the deflecting one. Doubling down unless you get fawning acclamation of your views is not the way to get subscribers. You just lost one. Bye-bye.

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Nick, I didn’t write the article. What subscribers?

Per the terms of the memorandum the Americans violated it.

The purpose of the pact was to give security assurances and allow Ukraine to maintain neutrality and independence.

Becoming a vassal and member of a hostile military alliance (and violating the NATO pledge of Bush I)? Do you honestly feel Ukraine has no share of blame for it’s current predicament? Do you not feel that the Americans have manipulated Ukraine into this foolish situation?

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Wrong. The russians broke up the agreement.

The main problem of russia is imperialism. They did it the last 400 years. This goes on and on. It will not stop with ukraine. There are other countries and regions which were part of the russian empire. And there were a lot of other countries which the russian Empire wanted to have and they thought they were betrayed.

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No sources. Only russian propaganda.

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Russian propaganda is let's not get into a stupid war halfway around the world that had clear hatred on both sides? I guess it was Russian propaganda when I was against the Iraq war in 2003, too?

Type in the days and events on any web browser. I was not going to post hundreds of links and videos. I assume my subscribers are intelligent enough to do further research on events that interest them. Let me know if you need help with any of the information I provided.

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No sources. Only Western propaganda.

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