So masking don't stop the spread, vaccines don't stop the spread, but vaccines may inhibit immunity. And California wants to mandate the vaxx to be able to work here.

I am going to out out on a limb and declare 99% of our "leaders" idiots.

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I’m listening to Dr. Andrew Kaufman in the new movie “Terrain” in the background as I write this.

My area hospital has recently gone to war with its own employees over vaccine mandates, and has forced out staff who refuse, but paradoxically allows “travel nurses” and temporary admin workers to be unvaccinated and even Covid positive because the mandate only applies to those who are directly employed by the hospital system. This insanity has me seriously rethinking my acceptance of so-called “germ theory” while I learn of the staggeringly implausible notions accepted by virologists and vaccinologists in order to prop up BigPharma profits (as if they’re desperately hard up for cash).

Does terrain theory sound that much more ridiculous than the process of PCR testing? Or the computer model of a virus which has never actually been isolated? I truly believe that Tiny Tony the Wizard of Bethesda is the most craven con man to ever bewitch the public, so why would I accept anything developed in his particular “castle” built upon the bodies of AIDS patients and orphans?

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Reading all the suggestions, commonly accepted pre-' 20, not surprised by any current results. They specifically warned against all these interventions. They would be ineffective n cause more harm to the population 🙄

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