Awesome article and a great point about banks. I am now rethinking my own approach to banking.

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I think a lot of us are. At least with the E.A. being rescinded, we have a little more time now to make alternate plans

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Most of the world is rethinking it right now. This is probably the exact opposite of what Justin's puppeteers wanted....

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I'm not so sure. Part of the Reset is tanking the dollar. They've done a good job the last years printing money. A bank run would crash the money, while the stock market will also take a hit when the Pfizer data is released, on top of the damaging Insurance Co. info. from Germany yesterday. Then JT can blame the "anti-vaxxers," because their protest forced him to interfere in banking, and then the plebs withdrew all their money; how dare they.

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Feb 24, 2022Liked by Jestre

Love this writing! Beautifully put! Thank you.

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Regarding theft by Canadian banks.... non Canadians will act on this.... this is coming to USA.

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Jestre

You made me start thinking. Here's the thought:

[But there has been no rights violations:

Only people who comply have rights.]

Vivisection of said thought:

I think my having worked non-profit as informal counsellor to people with schizophrenia and related psychoses on the side when not teaching has given me an instinct for understanding liberal logic.

Because there are far more similarities in how psychotics and schizophreniacs perceive and process reality with how liberals do it (based on how the latter argue and express themselves) than there are discrepancies.

It it's not just amateur layman's opinion either. A psychiatrist, dr David Eberhard, has written extensively on the psychological similarities between PC/woke logic and reason and psychosis, schizofrenia and personality disorders of cluster type B. Unfortunately his books are only available in swedish.

And this has to do with anything? Well, you know that old adage about knowing your enemy? That's what. Hence "no rights have been violated since only those who comply have rights".

We who are not insane see this for what it is: the woke does not perceive any error in the statement or the principle expressed. For them, each and every clause exists separately, only having connection when the thinker/speaker wills them to. For psychotics, that their brains work like that with sensory and emotional input is what makes them ill. For the woke, it's what make them feel good: a shared self-induced perpetual psychosis where you define reality one momement at a time, only connecting moments and sequences as it suits your wants and needs.

I think this is a key: these people are not to be argued with other than for tactical reasons. They are something that needs handling.

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My father had schizophrenia; I definitely see the comparable. There was a time when I did try to argue with the woke-types because I thought they were coming from an "honest" place. I mean, they claim to care about many of the things that everyone cares about... I just thought they lacked perspective (UBIK anyone?). I gave up trying years ago and I am much happier for it.

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Maybe that's how you learned to think around corners, so to speak? I've noticed several times that your articles gets my brain in gear, which is a good thing.

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That is a beautiful comparison. Your key to handling them is dead on.

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If he can invoke the act whenever he wants to crush dissent then he always maintains the emergency powers.

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Freeland knowing better? I’m sorry but I can’t let that stand. That failed journalist had to get her parents to co sign her mortgage when she was in her 40’s. Not exactly the A team up in Ottawa

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Yikes. Perhaps I have overestimated her... Seems I will have to spend some time going down the rabbit hole regarding her background.

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She also wrote a book about the very Plutocrats in the WEF she is now a part of.


Oh and her Ukrainian grandpappy.... he was a Nazi sympathizer in Ukraine. Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree!

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022Liked by Jestre

Wow, that was both clever and an interesting perspective on the "why." I assumed JT was going to pull a mad power-grab, and mandate all Cdns take mRNA gene therapeutics to access their bank, effectively cutting out those of us who have our feet so firmly dug in there is no compromise. Sen. Plett was brilliant. Although I subscribe to classic Liberalism, and once carried a card of the liberal party, I know after watching the debate last weekend, for all but 3 hours, that I have nothing in common with the left, that screams racist and occupier, louder and louder, as they've nothing else. The CPC was articulate, reasoned and appeared to express the values ones attributed to liberalism. Good grief, even the political spectrum is flipping. Beautiful read. I'd love to support with $, but Dear Leader threw my husband out of work, although he works from home. And mostly everyone we know doesn't seem to be too bothered with this.

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It's been awhile since I identified with any political ideologies. I think "living in truth" as Havel defines it just makes more sense from a mental health perspective. Don't worry about supporting, I do this part time and would feel uncomfortable taking money from people unless this was a full time gig (since I am often unhappy with the quality of my work).

I'm sorry to hear about your husbands situation. I've had a habit lately, in my social circles, of pointing out absurdities and rhetorically asking why it doesn't make anyone the least bit uncomfortable. I feel as if directly addressing the issues (with reason and logic) to friends and family has not gotten me anywhere as it makes them put up defenses, but I do not see anyone being fully comfortable with anything that has gone on in the last two years. I figure it's better to let them figure out why they find it uncomfortable...

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022Liked by Jestre

I'm not sure all the people whose bank accounts were, and still are, frozen (without criminal charges) ~ and all those who were arrested (some with threats of 10-year incarceration) ~ would agree that invoking the Emergencies Act "meant nothing" . . . .

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My point is moreso that it changes nothing... As in they will willfully violate our rights regardless of whether they invoke a legal technicality and the Act should not be what scares people. For example, I can easily see a situation where Russians living in Canada right now who make a pro-Putin post get their bank accounts frozen without the Act being invoked. Would you bet against me?

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Mar 3, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022Liked by Jestre

On the contrary. I agree completely. Thank you for taking time to share your helpful feedback.

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They're toying with us. Very Coordinated.

Trudeau broke Nuremberg code and must hang, along with a few hundred of his collaborators. Add in security forces for treason in time of war.

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