He will distance himself if the MSM pivots away from their love affair with forced injections. They will not pivot until their BigPharma sponsors stop paying them to promote forced injections.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Jestre

Richard Bright was the one who shicanned IVM and HCQ in direct opposition to Trump's orders. He bragged about it. This was political and financial at the least. Constant media pressure to inflate the plandemic, force Trump "failure" to stop/contain the "contagion" and push for a vaccine because Orange Man Bad. It was an election year, that impeachment attempt failed,again, and TPTB needed to push a disaster on him before November.

But, none of the mechanisms brought down by OWS were firmly intact before OWS. There has been a decades-long war on repurposed drugs and alternative/natural medicines, FDA was captured long ago, many drugs have been deemed harmful and come with liability and huge payouts after release, which OWS bizarrely shielded drugmakers from (except in case of fraud). Trillions are at stake. Trump should certainly disavow these shots, but who has? Not even St. DeSantis. But I think enough data wi seep out to allow this to happen soon. Right now, though, I don't think enough people are ready to hear how bad these shots are, especially not from Bad Orange Man. But he could at least stop claiming credit!

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022Liked by Jestre

The contemporary equivalence of King Canute, ordering the waves to retreat. But with the invented history of the new technocracy, these names will be either shrouded in mists or elevated to saintly status as were Robber-Barons Rockerfeller and Carnegie. Phizer guessed it would take about 75 years.

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