It’s like when Rachel Maddow reported on the mythical hordes of people in the ER from OD’ing on horse paste, as if it were fact, when it was made up.

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Hehehe, to quote a former editor of one of Sweden's major papers, Expressen ("The Express", commonly referd to as Excessen/The Excess) "Never ruin a good story by checking facts".

We actually had a "Covid party" here in Sweden, confirmed and true. Only, it was accidental and not planned. See, in one of the may depopulated areas, there's this old farmhold-turned-retreat with an angle towards all things New Agey; the weirder the better. Such as how to make sounds towards the forest, trying to hum in harmony with the trees. Hippie stuff, mostly harmless. Target audience is menopausal women, often recently divorced. The kind that swallows anything if it's packaged to play to their fears and fix ideas.

So what do these people arrange in 2021? A tantric yoga retreat for two weeks. Out of just above 200 guests and instructors, all doing tantric massages in saunas and whatnot day in day out, more than 150 came down with Covid.

Which of course was what the media hooked upon. Well, that and the sex angle. Lowest common denominator, thy name is journalism.

What they didn't cover was that none of those infected needed ICU, or even hospital stay. Nor did they mention that there was zero fatalities.

Good thing the monkey pox wasn't circulating then, since these kind of women going to such retreats are the same kind going to Gambia as sex tourists.

Just thought I'd try to insert some levity (or whatever it might be called).

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Any "news"caster who says the words "covid" and "hospital / ICU" in the same broadcast and doesn't say there are things you can do to not end up in the hospital is negligent. (Which is all of them). Unless of course they're covering the long line of people waiting outside an Oklahoma hospital in winter coats in the summer, while the hospital is full of horse paste eaters.

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My Sibs and I were raised by regular parents to ask questions and not accept things at face value. These skills seem to be a lost art.

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