He's probably feeding photos of things like the Confederate flag to the media, under Trudeau's aegis.

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Trudeau's next ethics violation

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And the guy with the Confederate flag is no doubt another government operative. It's clear that the government intends to portray this protest as being led by some bigoted, far-right minority, and they'll do whatever it takes to construct and sell that false narrative.

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Totally. I was there, it was friendly, peaceful, uplifting. They are grasping at straws so hard they are fixating on the Terry Fox statue's "desecration" which was just dress up. It happens on Canada Day, too, and for Pride day. If that's all they've got they are the ones in trouble.

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Dumbeau IS an ethics violation. --- He makes my skin crawl. Always has.

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Classic journalism. Hence the phrase: "Make the news". Emphasis on the 'make'.

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What kind of Camera does Adam shoot with? And what kind of Camera is that in the photo? It doesn't look like a Nikon or Canon, perhaps Black Magic?

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