Jan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre

Wonderful post tonight Jestre. You summed up my feelings tonight as I am sure you have done for a lot of Canadians. My biggest concern right now is Trudeau isn't lying around in his bed playing video games while in hiding. Is he planning a little event involving agent provactors with possibly help from antifa. I draw your attention to a G20 conference held in Toronto years ago and during the much deserved protests this was a tactic used to discredit the protest. On a positive note suddenly people I know who have gone down the vaccinated route are starting to question the narrative. Today I had the pleasure of two of my grandsons, aged 15 and 26 saying Trudeau has to go. I guess that's progress. Looking forward to your next post. It goes really well with my first coffee in the morning. You work so hard to get out facts and information and I have the pleasure of reading what you have found. I am a huge fan of mystery writers but alas I have not been reading much because we are living in the middle of a huge mystery. You are the detective. I look forward to the next clue.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre

As a child I both learned and was taught something which stuck with me and has defined both my life and my perspective on things:

You haven't lost until you give up.

My father used Korea and Vietnam, and the struggles of the peoples under Soviet rule as examples; keeping my mind my own in the socialist school system was my own lesson.

And it holds true. Who won in Iraq? Not the US coalition. Do they rule there now? No. Who has won in the struggle between jws and moslems in Palestine and Israel? Not the US nor its allies. Who won in Afghanistan? Korea? Vietnam?

The one willing to go the distance, take the lumps and pay the price of not giving up wins. The one mincing about thinking semantics can change actual reality will always lose against the first one.

Unanimi cum ratione; viam inveniemus.

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I watched a video of the convoy today and all the people cheering on the roadside in the bitter cold. I burst into tears. You guys are changing history and absolutely punching above your weight! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre

Great essay!

Let’s hope the protests in Ottawa maintain momentum while everyone does their part to break through to friends and neighbours with the truth. We can do it!

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What a very powerful, inspiring article; punching above our weight indeed. I salute the truckers and every single person peacefully standing up for freedom. Thank you!

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre

So beautifully written. Never been prouder to call myself Canadian, and stand beside these strong and brave truckers.

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Trudy ran away because he is scared of not knowing what to do and more scared of upsetting the Cult than scared of the truckers.

He has gone to Daddy Klaus to ask what to do.

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Very beautifully written. I think we are reclaiming our title as ‘true North strong and free’. I go back and forth between hope and despair, and the Freedom Convoy is definitely one of the most hopeful signs in a long time. I wonder what will tomorrow bring? Will the tinpot dictator be back? How will he show his face to the public? I don’t expect any remorse from him. Will he resign? And where will we go from there? I worry and worry and pray for our wonderful country. God bless.

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Beautifully said. Thank you.

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"a restoration of the rights guaranteed to us by the Charter" - the problem is, the Charter guarantees nada. Not much to restore, save the pretenses.

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deletedJan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre
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