Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jestre

Cue articles: watch out for plastic bags when grocery shopping. U may be inhaling MPs😂😂

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🙌 Don't 'cha know it!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jestre

Wow. Just Wow. When you think it can't get any worse.

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Mom used to say, 'they get you comin and goin', rings true; capitalism is a perverse incentive at it's core.

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Capitalism? What does capitalism have to do with unscientific govt edicts designed to control the population?

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Um, cuz of the money. Follow the money as they say. Look at the profits at drug companies last 2 years and tell me how great Capitalism really is. Keeping folks sick to keep making more money off them, that is real, yes? Maybe there is a reasonable form of capitalism but from what I have seen, not much good comes of it. I am only 60.

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Rather than capitalism, I think you are describing corporatism. Mussolini said “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

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Now there's a word that describes my experiences working at various corporations...Corporatism. best Oakleaf....

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If oligarchs are capitalists then it’s news to me. They start as capitalists but locking people into their houses using terror and forcing them to shop only via a few outlets is hardly capitalistic. It’s fascism.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Ah, thanks for the clarification re oligarchs are not capitalists. How does one keep the fascism out of the capitalism? My dad said 'your freedom stops at the end of my nose'. Luckily for me I have a big damn nose. The oligarch thing is ubiquitous, perhaps endemic to the human condition under stress/perverted?, a normal eventuality in human existance?

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My understanding is that the Nazis were fascists insofar as fascism is government which controls industry within a nationalistic framework, and the German Nazis were national socialists, sharing many features of Marxism with the Soviets. Oligarchs CAN be capitalists, but they are always elitists and an oligarchy is a type of government run by elitists. We have that now. I’d argue that they’re so intent on enriching themselves that certainly in the past two years and apparently the last three decades, they’ve been dismantling every possible protection granted by constitution or legislation to the average American. I agree with you that they’re ripping us off coming and going. They don’t even bother to hide it any more. I think lots of people don’t notice.

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the words i needed to analyze thanks JPF

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Capitalism puts profit as the only metric of ethics, meaning if it's profitable it's good. Business, trade and commerce made into ideology so to speak.

Where a communist state would mandate masks simply because the governement say so, and the governement being the one interpreter of what is true communism means not to obey is to be criminal - a capitalist state will mandate masks as to guarantee profits for those capitalists owning (or being) the elected officials.

For the people, the end result is pretty much the same.

Free trade, business and commerce would be me asking you "Would you like to buy this anti-virus breath mask, certified by such-and-such?" and you being free to decline.

That is not capitalism, as other ethics and ethos are put above profit (that the mask actually works as advertised, is safe to use, that I didn't pay for validation of my claims and so on).

Capitalism and communism are both branches on the same tree after all. Ideals before humans, family and tradition. (And faith, for the religious.)

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Pfizer/Moderna's capture of the CDC/FDA, media etc, etc is pure capitalism.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022Liked by Jestre

Started wearing one back when the pan(plan) demic began, immediately took off stupid mask right after work, got tired of changing them, washing, buying new. Had to moisturize face, fix hair and earrings, adjust sunglasses. It was a major pain in the a$$. Finally, I stopped wearing masks when I learned The Truth.

😠 Give me a break,😠 give kids in NY preschools and all throughout this country of ours a break…and the truth. No Masks Are Needed. Live free with no fear. We each live with Covid and some of us brave ones won’t let it nor any mandate define our freedom loving lives.

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The typos were driving me 😜 crazy. Plus I added more of my humble opinion to my first one.

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Soooo, you are telling me I need an airfilter to protect lungs from my airfilter? See, Fauci was a genius!! Saint Fauci predicted the need for two masks to protect from the Global Warming caused microplastics.

We are so screwed...

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Author

And I'm betting you'll need an airfilter to protect your lungs from your airfilter's airfilter. Praise Pfauci!

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jestre

My “normie” family smirked and said, “oh yeah, and what credentials do they have?” Because SCIENCE SAYS. I’m not surprised by this in the least because the one time in two years that I looked very sick, was coughing violently and had low O2 saturation, it was after I attempted to mask for a doctor appointment. I coughed and sneezed for days but was C-19 negative 3x. Finally I went to the allergy/immunology doc who sighed and said, “we already know you can’t wear or touch these plastics with your skin. Why would doctors imagine you can breathe in this stuff without consequences?” He wrote me a note and it was tossed into the trash by at least five different physicians and hospitals. Because SCIENCE SAYS. Common sense ought to tell us all we need to know about the stupidity of universal masking to prevent transmission.

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If masks are indeed the major source of this, then Fauci, Walenski, Birx, China Joe, and the thousands of government officials at every level must be held accountable through war crime trials. Masks, vaccines, shutdowns... these alone may make Hitler look like a schoolboy bully by comparison. The criminals will of course do everything possible to hide the long-term consequences (which will take decades to reveal themselves). We don't want them dying of natural causes in the meantime.

The American Mossad will be visiting them.

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Focus. Don’t chase squirrels.

It’s the contents of the shot that’s most problematic. Orders of magnitude more problematic.

They’re giving a novel gene therapy “vaccine”, which confers no immunity, to children - who are not endangered by this virus.

All for profit. Or worse.

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That's true, and worse. But you seem to be ignorant of the dangers of masking as well. And it's the same criminals who are responsible for both "mask up" and "vax or else." What's necessary is to put them to death. Never Again!

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Jestre

Ain't gonna happen. Nobody cares enough to do anything or they're scared.

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Wouldn't there already be lots of microplastics in the lungs of doctors and nurses, not to mention people who wear dust masks or other respiratory protection for their jobs? Had they just not looked before?

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Possibly or maybe they never looked at those specific populations.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Jestre

There was a mini-scandal (quickly censored) about masks used in Canadian kindergartens (yes, not hyperbole) which were loaded with graphene fibers. The govt had purchased millions of them from….China! Yes, ya just can’t make this stuff up.

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Anecdotal: I spent tons (way too much) of time - 2015-2018 - with my elderly mother in hospitals, ICUs, ERs, MD offices - never once did I see an MD or nurse (or patient) in a face mask. At times my mom was e-coli infected and in isolation/quarantine - lots of gloves, gowns, hand washing - but never one single mask did I see. My dentist wears lots of masks - for 6-8-12-15 min periods - ... then off it comes - next close in session a new one comes out. Compare, perhaps, seven year olds wearing masks for many hours in succession 5 days a week ("phlegm sodden by late morning" according to a teacher's report I have read).

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

I was thinking more like surgeons who wear them for hours at a time. Have a friend who's a trauma surgeon and she does surgeries for 5-6 hours+ at a time multiple days a week.

Aestheticians also wear them while working.

Also, I think putting masks on kids all day is evil and bound to have some negative consequences. Even if its just inhaling mas fibers for months on end. But I figured the microplastics would have been noticed by now if it was from wearing masks. It could also be that way more low quality masks are in circulation and are contaminated from quickly ramping up production though so could be both

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Yes - I was just about to add a note about "surgeons" - for sure - they were pre-covid, the exception; they do wear masks since there is the risk of exposure to body fluids (rather than aerosols); but I have read that lots of additional pure oxygen is pumped into those surgical theaters to compensate for degraded air quality inside the masks. For kids, the real evil is emotional development and language learning deficits caused by mask wearing (did you read that some months back the CDC redefined vocabulary learning baselines from something like (as I recall) 350 words at 30 months (guessing about the 30; i.e. young children) to 50! )

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Yea I did see that. I genuinely don't understand the cruelty and disregard for small children in all this. Pure evil. I know kids who changed completely during the pandemic, became home bodies who lost any interest in going outside to play. So sad

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I bet you know (of) Dr Alan Kaufman - leading Covid-dissident MD - one of my earliest utube-ish pandemic memories is of him recounting his hectic schedule of interviews, research, etc in those early weeks and expressing regret that he had to neglect his two young children. But he went on to the compensations of having a dissident dad "... well, at least they can go outside and play and know that they're not going to get sick...." - he's a great guy - very early on got fired (by a hospital, I think) for refusing to wear a mask.

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I’d like to read the study before drawing conclusions. But I’ve never been a fan of face-masking the entire (generally healthy) population for days, months or years.

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When I grew up parents and child care authorities warned kids not to put plastic bags over their heads or mouths.

Seems the ones that didn't listen are todays experts and politicians.

On the other hand, as a firm proponent of natural selection it is hard to argue for banning people from doing something stupid because they canät be arsed to read up and make an informed decision.

As we say here: stupid head, hurting body.

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