He seems to be taking baby steps, which is more than any other Premier has done. Hopefully the truckers protest is going to push all of this into the historical dumpster for good.

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CTV news is actually covering the protest. Too big to hide or ignore.

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Protests in many other cities too

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I just saw a clip on local news channel in Vancouver and there were trucks driving in solidarity with people cheering them on and waving Canadian flags. Great to see.

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Well said. I hit up Doug Ford and my conservative MPP with the same argument in an email earlier today. Not as eloquent as yours, but it will do!

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Jestre

I just recovered for covid i am not vaccinated. It was like any other year if I get sick. Not the best couple days but nothing off normal. Mandates must end NOW!!!!!

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I have started a hashtag on Twitter… #TakeOffEh. If enough of us could take our masks off on a certain date then there will be too many of us for anyone to be compelled to wear them. There are a lot of people who are only wearing them because they are polite. They don’t want to be called out and they feel for their fellow citizens who might feel masks are necessary. But they don’t want to be wearing a mask either.

If these people see a lot of others without masks they will have the courage to take theirs off as well. Anyone who wants to can go on wearing a mask, that is up to them.

I have chosen February 14th as the date for de-masking because it is not too distant and if I can make a strong enough push then this idea can take off and spread quickly. And we can show our love to all our valentines.

Possibly the governments will end mask mandates at some point but it would be a strong push if mask mandates failed.

This non compliance can only help the Freedom Convoy - it can’t take anything away from it.

For those non Canadians, Take Off, Eh! is from Bob and Doug McKenszie who had a TV show in Canada, The Great White North, in the 80’s.

Please Tweet or put on Facebook or wherever else you would like to. I only have Twitter, no other social media but I would be happy for it to be anywhere.

Thanks, Tim

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022Author

I approve but I think its wise to warn all involved. Remember Maxime Berniers election night event? There were police there. Allegedly no one wore masks. There were no arrests as far as I know... But what they did was put up the pictures of those not wearing masks on the police website like they were criminals a few days later, had people rat them out, then fine them. It's pretty dystopian but that is where we're at. For this to work, imo, people would have to do it consistently so even post facto enforcement becomes too expensive. But I absolutely love the bravery and will take my mask off with you :-)

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If there is enough people then they can't enforce it. Thanks for the warning though. We are already in the data base so...

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Haha yeah. We are in a few databases... Such weird times.

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I just heard today that it's 75% of truckers are vaccinated not 90% as previously claimed. If true, that's a lot. Maybe that's why Scott Moe wrote that letter. Ottawa protest is huge.

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These jackals are starting to cave, keep pushing!!

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If you don't wear a yellow symbol proving you paid your jizya (aka got the shot) to the imam's of injection, you can rightfully be discriminated against no matter how upstanding a citizen you are.

If you are a well known multiple convicted repeat offender of theft, a store owner still isn't allowed to ban you from his store.

And this is regarded as just and right and progressive?

Well, just call me an atavism then, thank you, beacuse apparently people had more sense in the seventh century than today.

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