OMFG!!! The only reason why I do not say "great post" is because it is so incredibly upsetting. You definitely did amazing work and uncovered hard-to-find data.

They poisoned young people of Canada too!

I am writing another Germany post and will link to this substack post prominently.

Here it is:


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Thanks you two. Please, keep up the work; ignore the censorship and the intimidation. This is very important stuff. It adds weight to the view that there is a eugenics motive behind this. Correct or not, this is the practical result. I will continue to repost this stuff until I am canned. @mikezimmer_gmz GETTR and Twitter

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Igor, thanks for all your hard work. Do we have US numbers yet?

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I do not have them but I would like to know. I know that CDC fudged DEATH numbers for this year but maybe we get new data this Wednesday

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Yeah I feel like they should be out but obviously the CDC are not trustworthy actors.

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is anyone doing population projections yet?

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At this rate the need for birth control and abortions will no longer be necessary. A win win situation for all.

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And the CO2 declines...

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So climate control as well. Wow

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And no shortages of baby formula

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Ironically, yes

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Oh good, yet more man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.

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Good digging for blood diamonds here.

Passing this info on to a few private Facebook groups.

Much thanks Jestre.

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The phrase, 'No holds barred' comes to mind.

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A friend of mine who is a head hunter/recruiter and keeps tabs on up and coming companies said something mid 2021 about how new fertility technologies/companies were becoming all the rage suddenly. She is vaxxed (go figure) but earlier on was wary, then had irregular periods for quite awhile. Maybe she wishes she’d listened to her senses...

Anyway, just mentioning this as perhaps something to look into.

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I am 60 yoa, four children. One weak and gullible enough to trust government. and take. the. jab. They were informed by me, ( a Dr.) the ramifications of “experimental “.

So sorry to be correct, but this was forseeable as a consequence. Vaxx. regret is going to turn to vaxx rage in the future. Public Health in Canada has loss in public confidence, and, rightfully. so.

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I hated to press “like” because of content but very well presented. What a very unsettling time

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have you been able to get any information from the rest of the country? Population in BC is ~4.7 million, Ontario is ~14.7 mil. Would be nice to see a province by province breakdown if that's available.

Still doesn't take away from the holy crap factor. Thank you for your work.

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On a country level, we (likely) won't know for a year. Only some places public monthly statistics. Most everywhere else is annual

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yes and we know how very prompt the Feds are....

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The numbers for June 2022 have been updated to 3520

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While still on the low end of other years, that is promising!

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Is that a steeper decline I'm seeing in June? It looks like the gap is larger there.

Does that correspond to booster rollout the way that February's drop corresponds to vax +9mo? Random chance? Accelerating on its own? (I know, can't know that until more data comes out... but the waiting is hard).

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Hard to tell. It is probably better to wait for the July data to come in to see if there are changes in the June data. Could be a lag in reporting. But other data sets are showing similar trends.

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I would like for that to be a data lag.

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In BC, they used 16 week interval between 1st and 2nd doses, probably because of their supply chain issues.

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Thanks for that link.

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Excellent point

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The British Columbia data needs to be examined before concluding anything about the fertility. The number of births seem to show fluctuate in alternate years in the month of June; so June 2021 has higher births than June 2020 which has lower births than June 2019 which has higher births than June 2018. Is there more data from past years which show such a pattern. In March, April and May 2021 births are more than the previous years. If many couples planned for these during the lockdown, then there would naturally be fewer births in the next year, 2022. I suggest these confounding factors in the interest of scientific analysis. German abortion data, discussed by Igor Chudov, perhaps offers stronger evidence of lower fertility. But even so one has to be careful in jumping to strong conclusions for a couple of more months. Instead we have to look at the hypothesis of lower fertility with a critical view and try to disprove it.

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Agreed, I have alread pointed out in comments to Igor that the unusual drop in German abortions started in the first quarter of 2021, it continued through the 2nd and 3rd quarters and reverted to normal range in the following two quarters. The drop in Q1 2021 does NOT correlate with the vaccine rollout in Germany.

With regard jestre's analysis, I have commented below. If anything, the drops in 2022 seem balance out by the mini baby-boom months in 2021. At first glance, the overall trend in BC over the past years seems to be gently falling. 2022 seems a return to this trend after the anomalous bumper year of the 2nd pandemic year.

Germany figures were also up slighltly for 2021, but the falls in 2022 are much greater than the increases from 2021, which is what makes it much more noteworthy IMO.

Check out some of my posts on German Births if you like.

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See my reply to Witzbold below. Hope that addresses the criticism.

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Difference from median seems an odd choice here. When I look at your chart it seems there is a clear trend of falling births year-on-year for those months depicted. Also, because 2021 was a bumper year a return to the normal trend should perhaps be expected. If you plot year-on-year % drop I suspect there is an overall consistent trend (with the exception of the baby-bumper pandemic year 2021)

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Surprisingly, births in BC haven't been consistently dropping. Since 2007, they have remained pretty stagnant. Not at home but did some handerkerchief math and the roughly 7% drop in births between Feb and June is by far the largest drop YoY. The highest drop prior was a little over 2%.

Satya's point about rises and falls between years is excellent... but I am not sold on that either. While 2021 was a baby boom at a bit less than a 4% increase in births, 2020 was also the second largest fall in births (2022 being the largest), so 2021 was really just a correction to normal in my view. From Jan to June, there were about 25k births or right at the median between 2007 to 2022 (with a relatively tight distribution). 2016 also had just less than a 3% increase in births and the next year births only dropped by about half that.

There in undoubtedly something different about 2022 that isn't seen in prior data and it starts in February. I think I did a poor job conveying that by starting the numbers at 2017 rather than 2007.

The fact this is occurring throughout the western world also what makes this more compelling. If it happened in only one place, then I'd be less concerned. But yes, we need to keep collecting more data sources and alternative indicators and hope there is another explanation or that this is a temporary phenomenon.

Again, sorry for the rough data and cell phone post!

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I like your idea of tracking pregnancy test kit sales. Maybe we invest in those, along with funeral home stocks?

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Thank you for your incisive work.

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