Dec 31, 2021Liked by Jestre

Welcome to the new Dark Ages, where enlightenment is dead and inconvenient data just blacked out

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It's astounding; instead of "pivoting" away from the stupidity, the gubbermints just double-down - or triple-down - on their failed policies.

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At least there is news from S Korea in hospitalizations / deaths climbing tho 85% vacc’d. They’re more indignant than Canada where gov officials are wringing their hands.

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And the pathetic moron that we have for prime minister called the vaccine-free, racist and misogynistic.

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This is the scariest bit of this ride that starts now. As the cases mount, the governments will not understand why it happened since "it seems logical to consider that the vaccines do not work or, more likely, make things worse with omicron." is not one of the things that crosses these people's mind.

On the other hand, the public will not have a clear view of the dangers and I fear we will see lots and lots of vaccine mediated fatalities in the coming months.

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Ontario will be a mess, I don't know why I have this feeling.

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