Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jestre

If it looks like Alex Berenson's latest FOIA response from the FDA, there will be a lot of totally blacked out pages ~ 🤦‍♀️🤬

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I'll say the same thing I said in Alex Berenson's post, where his FOIA returned completely redacted pages:

So that is what a picture of The Swamp looks like.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jestre

Weird, first it double posted then it removed both posts? Oh well, try and try again.

I wonder what a court would do if a private citizen, charged with selling a home-made recreational drug or alleged medicinal one, handed in tens of thousands of pages of documentation?

I imagine the court would call that contempt and a whole lot of other words, both in legalese and very plain english.

It sure seems those who make the law cannot break the law, dosen't it?

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It will be "highly redacted" and "invented."

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I wonder what recourse there is when petitioners receive overly redacted documents ...

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jestre

In the Berenson Substack thread, someone said a few parties had had some success challenging excessive redactions. Of course, that is how the government plays the game, making people spend beaucoup bucks to get information/pay for lawyers...

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What time is the release and where can we read it?

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No idea what time (will depend if they want to be held in contempt of court?) But he has dumped previous documents here:


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I think this is not going to happen today..could be wrong...but I will believe it when I see it.

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It is indeed getting late in the day so it may be a lump of coal, but the judge seems to be good, so I am guessing he won't look too kindly on missing a deadline especially after they previously no showed in court...

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I pray you're right.

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